One of the most prominent and enduring figures in Hollywood, Jeffrey Katzenberg, made his second convention appearance of the week at the Caesars Palace Octavius Ballroom to receive the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation's 71st annual Pioneer of the Year Award. While the award recognizes Katzenberg's numerous philanthropic and humanitarian endeavors, with ample video footage and testimony of his long-running efforts, the lively and lighthearted, sometimes roast-like dinner ceremony was spiced up by appearances from notable collaborators at his day job as head of DreamWorks Animation: Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, and Jack Black, the last of whom served as master of ceremonies.
(very special thanks to Heather Lewandoski, Jessica Erskine, and the entire crew at Rogers & Cowan for all their helpful and generous assistance at the convention this week.)
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