If there's one single film that seems be omnipresent throughout CinemaCon, it's not any of the big studio blockbusters but something far more unlikely and obscure: The Ooogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure, a family-targeted fantasy adventure from Kenn Viselman, the man responsible for a (similar) family phenomenon on the small screen, the Teletubbies. While Viselman and his distribution partner, Freestyle Releasing, do have banners and posters promoting the film plastered in the convention hallways along with all the other films, they have also gone the extra mile and then some, booking a booth on the trade show floor, where they held a drawing this afternoon for no less than a brand new 2012 Fiat Pop.
Viselman's promotional showmanship reached its climax tonight with a big independently held "After Event" at the Caesars Palace Forum Tower Emperor's Suite, which also doubled as Viselman's 51st birthday party. While some posters featuring the brightly colored soft foam-costume characters were displayed throughout the room, most guests appeared to be mostly and rather understandably concentrated on the most elaborate and expensive food spread (read: sushi- and generally seafood-heavy) I've thus far seen at any convention-related event this year. If Viselman goes to a similar expense for the promotional push leading up to the Ooogieloves' big coming out party in cinemas on "Oogust" 29, he could very well have a big screen family phenom to go with the one he established on the tube.
(very special thanks to PMK/BNC for Kenn Viselman, plus Heather Lewandoski, Jessica Erskine, and the entire crew at Rogers & Cowan for all their helpful and generous assistance at the convention this week.)
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