The Transporter Refueled, the fourth film in the high-octane action movie (and short-lived television series) franchise that began way back in 2002, may be the first big screen installment to not star the originator of title character Frank Martin, Jason Statham, but that didn't stop series producers, and now distributors, EuropaCorp from unveiling and celebrating the new film in high style. And what more supercharged way to reboot--or, rather, refuel--an ever-enduring, ever-macho series than by holding its world premiere screening and ensuing big bash at no less than the legendary Playboy Mansion. While the lord of the manor himself, Hugh Hefner, did not make a public appearance with the film's stars Ed Skrein (who takes over the role of daredevil delivery driver Frank) and Loan Chabanol (as a Bond-worthy femme fatale) or other special guests such as Anthony Mackie and Harold Perrineau that evening, the sexy, celebratory spirit equated with the brand he created was strongly present and felt the entire night. Whether through the iconic Playboy Bunnies in full costume mingling with the crowd throughout the expansive backyard grounds, the spirited dance performances on the afterparty stage, or the themed photo opportunity set on a full-size billboard for the film, frisky, feisty fun was the order of the evening. The video I shot below is but a small taste of all the excitement--which may not have ended up even approaching the naughtiness of the first event I attended at the mansion, some 11 years ago, but was nonetheless an event and experience as sultry as the summer SoCal weather.
Interviews with The Transporter Refueled stars Skrein and Chabanol, as well as a review of the film, are coming next week. The film opens in cinemas nationwide on Friday, September 4, from EuropaCorp.
As with many original series in the ABC Family stable, the McG-produced and -directed comedy Kevin from Work was given a pre-premiere screening and discussion event hosted by OK! Magazine at the Real D Theater in Beverly Hills on Thursday, August 6. Following a viewing of the series' first episode, the "Kevin" of the title of this witty workplace rom-com, Noah Reid, was joined by co-stars Paige Spara (who plays Kevin's office cubicle mate and object of his unrequited affection, Audrey), Matt Murray (Brian, Kevin's best friend), Punam Patel (Patti, Audrey's flirtatious roommate), Jordan Hinson (Roxie, Kevin's younger sister), and Jason Rogel (Ricky, Kevin and Audrey's gossipy co-worker) for a lively discussion that showed off their crackling comic chemistry that shines through even off the set. Enjoy the wisecracks and antics in twoparts below: