Today marks the annual dual anniversary, but due to the roundness of the numbers, this year it takes a certain significance:
15 years since the launch of the e-mail incarnation of The Movie Report (and, hence, the launch of my official "professional" career), and 20 years since I wrote my very first review back in 1990, on
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Originally I wrote up this long, indulgent, pseudo-profound piece on the passage of time, how I've spent well over half my life doing this, etc. etc., yada yada, but I figure I should leave the self-indulgence to
Twitter and
Facebook (after all, what is the raison d'ĂȘtre of social networking sites
but self-indulgence?) and keep things as business-like (or as close to it as I ever get) over here on the main site. And, so, a guide to the way the blog will theoretically work:

The Movie Report label will be applied to anything pertaining to film reviews and updates, including links to the latest reviews and any other content posted on site pages proper.

The Film Flam Flummox label will be affixed to any articles that are exclusively here on the blog.
Thanks for your support over the last 15 years, especially the rather difficult last few. Here's to many more (years, that is; not difficult ones)...