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Monday, October 30, 2023

AFI FEST 2023 Award Winners

Film Flam Flummox

The award winners for AFI FEST 2023 were announced today.


  • Live Action
    Closing Dynasty, directed by Lloyd Lee Choi
  • Documentary
    Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó, directed by Sean Wang
  • Animation
    Chutes, directed by Kenzie Sutton
  • Special Jury Mentions
    • Editing -- Live Action Short
      Sèt Lam, directed by Vincent Fontana
    • Cinematography -- Live Action Short
      Basri & Salma in a Never-Ending Comedy, directed by Khozy Rizal
    • Lead Acting -- Live Action Short
      Madden, directed by Malin Ingrid Johansson
    • Experimentation –- Documentary Short
      Quiet as It's Kept, directed by Ja’Tovia M. Gary
    • Social Commentary –- Documentary Short
      Alpha Kings, directed by Enrique Pedráza Botero & Faye Tsakas
    • Hybrid Storytelling -– Documentary Short
      Dildotectonics (Dildotectónica), directed by Tomás Paula Marques
    • Stop Motion -– Animated Short
      The Miracle, directed by Nienke Deutz
    • 2D Animation -– Animated Short
      Miisufy, directed by Liisi Grünberg

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AFI FEST 2023 Reviews

The Movie Report

The Movie Report wants to attend all your film festivals! Please send any and all invitations to this address. Thanks!

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